Multifame Technologies

Costs of Facebook Ads & Optimal Advertising Strategies for Businesses

Looking for Facebook marketing packages? Unsure about Facebook ad costs? Multifame offers three exclusive packages to help clients meet their marketing goals with effective campaigns.

Why You Should Be Advertising On Facebook?

Reach the Right Audience & Boost Your Brand with Facebook Ads

Facebook advertising offers unparalleled reach and targeting capabilities. With over 2 billion active users, you can connect with a highly specific audience based on demographics, interests, and online behavior. This laser focus ensures your message lands with potential customers most likely to convert. Multifame Technologies can help you leverage Facebook Ads Manager to craft targeted campaigns, design high-converting ad creatives, and optimize your budget for maximum return on investment.  Facebook advertising goes beyond reach. It fosters brand awareness, drives website traffic, and generates leads, propelling your business growth. Let us be your partner in navigating the ever-evolving world of Facebook advertising.

Our Facebook Marketing Plans


Ideal for startup Business


Ideal for Medium Business


Ideal for Enterprise Business

Best Facebook Marketing Services for Business

Why Should You Invest in Facebook Marketing

Why Sould You Invest in Facebook Marketing

Reach Targeted Audiences & Boost Engagement with Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing offers a powerful platform to connect with a vast user base. Here’s why it’s worth your investment:

  • Laser-Focused Targeting: Reach the ideal customers by leveraging Facebook’s detailed user data. Target demographics, interests, and behaviors to ensure your message resonates with the right audience.
  • Measurable Results: Track campaign performance with Facebook Insights. Gain valuable data on ad impressions, clicks, and conversions, allowing you to optimize campaigns for maximum return on investment (ROI).
  • Multi-Faceted Engagement:  Go beyond traditional ads. Foster brand loyalty and community building through organic content, contests, and social interactions.

Multifame Technologies: Your Facebook Marketing Partner

At Multifame Technologies, we help businesses unlock the full potential of Facebook marketing. Our team of experts will:

  • Craft Compelling Campaigns: We design targeted ad strategies aligned with your business goals.
  • Content Creation: We create high-quality content that engages your audience and drives conversions.
  • Ongoing Optimization: We continuously monitor and refine your campaigns to maximize their effectiveness.

Invest in Facebook marketing with us and experience the power of targeted reach, measurable results, and a thriving online presence.

Why Facebook Marketing is Important?

Facebook Marketing reigns supreme in today’s digital marketing landscape. Here’s why it’s a game-changer for businesses:

  • Massive Reach & Laser-Targeted Ads: Tap into Facebook’s vast user base and pinpoint your ideal audience with unmatched precision. Target by demographics, interests, and behaviors to ensure your message lands with the right people.
  • Brand Awareness & Engagement: Cultivate brand recognition and foster meaningful connections with your target audience. Facebook provides a platform to share your story, engage in conversations, and build a loyal community around your brand.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing:  Facebook Ads offer a budget-friendly way to reach a wide audience. You can set spending limits and closely track campaign performance to optimize your return on investment (ROI).
  • Measurable Results:  Track everything from impressions and clicks to website visits and conversions. Gain valuable data insights to continually refine your campaigns and maximize their effectiveness.

How Multifame Technologies Can Help

At Multifame Technologies, we empower businesses to harness the true potential of Facebook Marketing. Our team of experts provides:

  • Strategic Ad Campaign Development: We craft targeted campaigns designed to resonate with your audience and achieve your specific goals.
  • Compelling Content Creation: We create high-quality, engaging content that stops the scroll and compels users to take action.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: We meticulously analyze campaign data and leverage insights to optimize performance and ensure continuous improvement.

By partnering with us, you can unlock the power of Facebook Marketing and propel your business toward success.

Advantages of Facebook Marketing Services

Target Competitors with Right Facebook Marketing

Maximize your Facebook marketing by targeting competitors effectively. Utilize advanced targeting options to reach audiences interested in similar products/services. Tailor content and ad placements for increased engagement and market share growth.

Reach Your Target Audience

Reach Your Ideal Audience: Harness targeted marketing for precise demographic engagement. Tailored strategies drive meaningful interactions, enhancing brand visibility and fostering sustainable growth.

Measurable Performance

Track key metrics like engagement, follower growth, and website traffic to assess your social media strategy's effectiveness. Analyze data to refine your approach and drive meaningful outcomes for your brand.

Facebook Ads are Affordable

Facebook Ads provide budget-friendly advertising options suitable for businesses of any size. With customizable budgets and precise targeting, businesses can optimize their spending and reach their desired audience effectively.

How Much Should I Invest In A Facebook Ads Campaign

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to Facebook ad spend. We can help you find the optimal investment for your campaign. Here's why: Goals & Budget: We consider your marketing goals (brand awareness, website traffic, sales) and budget to craft a cost-effective strategy. Target Audience: Our precise demographic and interest targeting maximize your return on ad spend (ROAS). Testing & Optimization: We don't set it and forget it. We continuously test different ad variations, budgets, and targeting options to optimize performance and stretch your ad dollars. By partnering with Multifame Technologies, you invest in expertise that ensures your Facebook ad campaign reaches the right audience and delivers impactful results, without overspending

Facebook Marketing Strategies We Follow

Facebook Business Goal

Business Goals

The cornerstone of any Facebook marketing strategy is defining clear business goals.  This could be increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. Our team works closely with clients to understand their unique objectives and tailor the Facebook marketing campaign accordingly.

Target Audience

Reaching the right people is crucial. We conduct in-depth audience research to identify your ideal customer on Facebook. This includes demographics, interests, online behavior, and pain points. With this knowledge, we craft targeted messaging and content that resonates with your audience, maximizing engagement and conversions.

Target Audience

Testing And Optimization

Facebook is a dynamic platform, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Multifame Technologies utilizes A/B testing to compare different ad variations, content formats, and targeting parameters. By analyzing data and user behavior, we continuously optimize your campaign for the best possible results.


Understanding your competitors’ Facebook presence is essential. We conduct competitive analysis to identify its strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in its strategies. This allows us to develop a differentiated approach that stands out in the Facebook landscape, attracting potential customers to your brand.

Cost Per Result

Cost Per Result

C.P.R. refers to the cost associated with achieving a specific marketing objective, such as a lead or a sale. We prioritize cost-effectiveness and leverage Facebook Ads Manager’s powerful tools to optimize campaign spending.  We provide transparent reporting that showcases C.P.R. alongside other key metrics, allowing you to track progress and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Return On Investment (ROI)

ROI measures the net profit generated from your Facebook marketing efforts. We focus on maximizing ROI by delivering targeted campaigns that generate leads, sales, and brand loyalty.  We track key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with your business goals and provide regular reports that demonstrate the campaign’s effectiveness in driving measurable results. 

By partnering with Multifame Technologies, you gain a team of Facebook marketing experts who will implement these strategies to achieve your business objectives.

Return on Investment

Facebook Marketing Strategies

Organic Facebook Management Plan

Small Business

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
  • Post on Page (3 per week by client)
  • Call to Action Button Creation
  • Hashtag Research
  • Page Monitering

Facebook Ads Management

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 25,000 INR
  • Facebook Business Manager Set up
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 1
  • Ad Set – 1
  • Ads – 1
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Traffic Generating
  • Monthly Report

Medium Business

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
  • Post on Page (2 per day)
  • Call to Action Button Creation
  • Hashtag Research
  • Facebook Tabs Creation
  • Facebook Page Optimization
  • Creation Of Facebook Polls/ Quiz
  • Sharing Post In Groups
  • Page Monitering
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Video Posting – 1 Per Month (Only 30 Sec)

Facebook Ads Management

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 25,000 INR
  • Facebook Business Manager Set up
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 2
  • Ad Set – 3
  • Ads – 6
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Audience Research
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Pixcel Installation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Traffic Generating
  • Carousel and Collection Ads
  • Monthly Report

Enterprise Business

  • Facebook Page Creation
  • Facebook Cover And Profile Pic Creation
  • Post on Page (3 per day)
  • Call to Action Button Creation
  • Hashtag Research
  • Facebook Tabs Creation
  • Facebook Page Optimization
  • Creation Of Facebook Polls/ Quiz
  • Sharing Post In Groups
  • Page Monitering
  • Competitors Analysis
  • Video Posting – 1 Per Month (Only 30 Sec)

Facebook Ads Management

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 25,000+ INR
  • Facebook Business Manager Set up
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 3
  • Ad Set – 6
  • Ads – 10
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative And Placement
  • Audience Research
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Pixcel Installation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Traffic Generating
  • Carousel and Collection Ads
  • Monthly Report
T & c Apply


Facebook marketing costs depend on your ad goals (clicks, impressions) and targeting. Expect $0.50-$2 per click on average.

Facebook's massive user base (2.9 billion!) makes it a goldmine for targeted marketing.  Laser focus on your ideal customer by demographics, interests, and behaviors. Build brand loyalty with organic content and amplify reach with strategic ad campaigns. Facebook offers unmatched potential for businesses of all sizes.


Social media marketing is using platforms like Facebook and Instagram to connect with your target audience, build your brand, and drive sales. It involves creating engaging content, interacting with followers, and running ads to reach new people.

Build buzz for your business on Facebook for free! Craft engaging content, run contests and leverage your network. Share valuable posts, host giveaways, and collaborate with other local pages. Respond to comments and build relationships with your audience.

Launch your Facebook marketing with a bang! Here's how:

  1. Craft a stellar Facebook Business Page:  Include eye-catching visuals, clear descriptions, and a call to action.
  2. Know your audience: Tailor content to their interests and needs.
  3. Post engaging content:  Mix informative posts, visuals, and interactive content to keep followers hooked.
    1. Boost posts or explore Facebook Ads: Reach a wider audience and target ideal customers for maximum impact.
    2. Track and analyze: Monitor results to see what resonates and optimize your strategy for success.

    By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to building a thriving Facebook presence and achieving your marketing goals.

Small businesses leverage Facebook to connect with customers and grow their brand. They create a free business page, post engaging content, and target ads to reach the right audience. This builds awareness, drives website traffic, and boosts sales!

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